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1. Rippin, Andrew, "al-Zarkashī." In The Encyclopaedia of Islam. 2d. Supplement: 842. Leiden: Brill, 2004.
Subjects: Individuals--Zarkashi
2. Rippin, Andrew, "Tafsīr Ibn ʿAbbās and Criteria for Dating Early Tafsīr Texts." In The Qur'an and Its Interpretative Tradition. By Rippin, Andrew. Aldershot: Ashgate, 2001.
Series: Variorum Collected Studies Series, CS715
Notes: Article XV. Reprinted from Jerusalem Studies in Arabic and Islam 18 (1994): 38-83.
Subjects: Individuals--Firuzabadi
3. Rippin, Andrew, "The Exegetical Genre Asbāb al-Nuzūl: A Bibliographical and Terminological Survey." In The Qur'an and Its Interpretative Tradition. By Rippin, Andrew. Aldershot: Ashgate, 2001.
Series: Variorum Collected Studies Series, CS715
Notes: Article XVII. Reprinted from Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies 48 (1985): 1-15.
Subjects: Scholarship
4. Rippin, Andrew, "al-Zarkashī and al-Suyutī [sic] on the "Occasion of Revelation" Material." In The Qur'an and Its Interpretative Tradition. By Rippin, Andrew. Aldershot: Ashgate, 2001.
Series: Variorum Collected Studies Series, CS715
Notes: Article XVIII. Reprinted from Islamic Culture 59 (1985): 243-258.
Subjects: Individuals--Zarkashi/Individuals--Suyuti
5. Rippin, Andrew. "Tafsīr Ibn ʿAbbās and Criteria for Dating Early Tafsīr Texts." Jerusalem Studies in Arabic and Islam 18, (1994): 38-83.
Notes: Reprinted in his The Qur'an and Its Interpretative Tradition.
Subjects: Individuals--Firuzabadi
6. Rippin, Andrew. "al-Zarkashī and al-Suyutī [sic] on the Function of the "Occasion of Revelation" Material." Islamic Culture 59, 3 (1985): 243-258.
Notes: Reprinted in his The Qur'an and Its Interpretative Tradition.
Subjects: Individuals--Zarkashi/Individuals--Suyuti
7. Rippin, Andrew. "The Exegetical Genre Asbāb al-Nuzūl: A Bibliographical and Terminological Survey." Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies 48, 1 (1985): 1-15.
Notes: Reprinted in his The Qur'an and Its Interpretative Tradition.
Subjects: Scholarship
8. Rippin, Andrew. Review of Proceedings of the Ninth Congress of the Union Européenne des Arabisants et Islamisants, edited by Rudolph Peters. Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies 45, (1982): 643-644.
Subjects: Individuals--Ibn Battutah
9. Rippin, Andrew. Review of Commanding Right and Forbidding Wrong in Islamic Thought, by Michael A. Cook. Journal of the American Oriental Society 124, 1 (2004): 119-123.
Subjects: Religion



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